

In our projects we work with the following technologies. Some of these did not even exist a few years ago.


How can you too have such a system?

  • Preliminary survey Step 1

    We will assess what you would like a solution for. If your already have this, we are happy about it, if not, we will work it out together. It's a joint effort.

  • Demo Step 2

    Based on the preliminary survey, we present our ready-made modules and provide access to the system set up in the cloud for a limited time.

  • Detailed survey - User Stories Step 3

    If there is bo need of development, you can skip to step 6. Otherwise, we turn the ideas into technical specifications, for which we use such a language that both the customer and the developer understand. This also requires joint effort.

  • Design, development Step 4

    Our engineers design, develop, and test the new or modified parts of the system. We always start with the most important tasks, so that we can hand them over first and get feedback on them as soon as possible.

  • Handover, user test, feedback... Step 5

    We hand over the first stage to user testing, and then we are excited to receive feedback. In the meantime, we already start developing the next stage until everything is ready. Based on your feedbacks, we are open to modify the design if necessary. Since we started with the most important features, those will undergo the most of the tests. This is also joint work.

  • Test operation, Live operationStep 6

    After a successful user test, the functions are put into test operation, and the cases that arise there are solved together. Live operation can start after a successful test operation. You can go live when the vital functions have already been completed, and later it is worthwhile to gradually go live with the additional completed functions.

Jobs at DUAL Systems


We are happy to run into Java Full-Stack Developers

Join us and work on the development of MyLION's modules! These modules support company processes. Tasks are carried out in a scrum team, we operate this way. You can get involved in everything from planning to implementation to writing unit tests and integration tests, whether it is front-end or back-end related. The task descriptions are prepared in English and the internal communication systems are also used in English.

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